The Game: Chapter 01, Mission 01

Chapter 01, Mission 01 - The Game: Part 1
In the year of 2025, new forms of conflicts, caused by the law of the extinction of most part of the paternal restrictions on children in the development phase of their personalities, reach different individuals and their subjectivities. They all need to learn how to play The Game to fit in with these conflicts and live together to show their socially acceptable personality to the world, as they articulate secretly to conquer their desires, aspirations and ambitions as they learned before: with few restrictions and scarce rules.
Story follows a trainee group, with people of different ages and tastes, and how they face the conflicts caused by the Game, as well as its rules and how it works. But what was supposed to be a normal class with parties and friendships turns into a cruel dispute for a job opportunity, besides personal interests and maniac personalities.
In The Game, the players are 20 trainees who dispute a job opportunity in the known City Hall of Los Santos. They're divided in 6 groups, each one representing the animal symbolism to define their professional profiles. The group that gets the higher score in the Company is selected to the job. But what was supposed to be a clean competition turns into a machiavellian game, where all the groups tries to strike the other down, all of that for one purpose: win the job and The Game.
THE BUTTERFLIES: Brooke, Jane and Leonard
THE CROWS: Jason, Michael and Nathan
THE HAWKS: Dana, Mark, Richard and Samuel
THE LIONS: Ashley, Chloe, Paul and Sophie
THE OWLS: James, Jasmine and Rodric
THE TIGERS: Arya, Emily and Juliet
Main topic:
THBP, work in progress
In the year of 2025, new forms of conflicts, caused by the law of the extinction of most part of the paternal restrictions on children in the development phase of their personalities, reach different individuals and their subjectivities. They all need to learn how to play The Game to fit in with these conflicts and live together to show their socially acceptable personality to the world, as they articulate secretly to conquer their desires, aspirations and ambitions as they learned before: with few restrictions and scarce rules.
Story follows a trainee group, with people of different ages and tastes, and how they face the conflicts caused by the Game, as well as its rules and how it works. But what was supposed to be a normal class with parties and friendships turns into a cruel dispute for a job opportunity, besides personal interests and maniac personalities.
In The Game, the players are 20 trainees who dispute a job opportunity in the known City Hall of Los Santos. They're divided in 6 groups, each one representing the animal symbolism to define their professional profiles. The group that gets the higher score in the Company is selected to the job. But what was supposed to be a clean competition turns into a machiavellian game, where all the groups tries to strike the other down, all of that for one purpose: win the job and The Game.
THE BUTTERFLIES: Brooke, Jane and Leonard
THE CROWS: Jason, Michael and Nathan
THE HAWKS: Dana, Mark, Richard and Samuel
THE LIONS: Ashley, Chloe, Paul and Sophie
THE OWLS: James, Jasmine and Rodric
THE TIGERS: Arya, Emily and Juliet
Main topic:
THBP, work in progress
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- Last Update
- Oct 09 '17
- Views
- 1339
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- Comments
- 3
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- Objectives
- 62
- Actors
- 14
- Cars
- 7
- Pickups
- 0
- Objects
- 10

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Added by Markandreirico2 on Oct 09 2017, 14:30
Great mission nice job men.
Added by Green Goo on Oct 21 2017, 15:19
Liked the design, but you should publish the first two missions. Keep up the good work.
Added by sweet da silva on Jan 04 2019, 21:19
onde eu coloco a pasta do efeito sonoro?
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