DYOM » Missions » Unlimited Guns:Chapter 1

Unlimited Guns:Chapter 1

By GuerreroX

Los Santos 1998,Johnson Boys,A Good guys working in car machinemaker,They dreams to be a Gang leader,Theylikes killing bad guys,After The Boy Daniel Make A Gang Called "The OG Killers"Edward leavs his job and Join his brother gang, but after that they had proplems and some gangs mistakes, but they got new friends and special members to thier own gang...and then the gang just begin his history.


EJ(Edward Johnson):Alive

DJ(Daniel Johnson):Alive

Willy(James Wilson):Alive

Kevin(Kevin Escobar):Alive

Mike(Mike Escobar):Alive

Officer Samuel(Samuel Anderson):Alive

Kig(Kigan Lorins):Alive

Kofi(Kofinston Leonardo):Dead



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Dec 25 '17


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PLAYUnlimited Guns:Chapter 1GuerreroXDec 25 2017, 10:24
"Unlimited Guns:Chapter 1"
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Added by Martin Strada on Dec 25 2017, 12:18
Played it, review:


1. Poor Story
2. Poor Characters
3. Hard Difficulty
4. Short Missions


1. Good AI
2. Good Variety
3. Good Presentation

Overall, the story is absolutely makes no sense, like Target13 said, 3/5
Added by GuerreroX on Dec 25 2017, 13:06
Man!even The OG Killers is longer and Attack on ballas longer too, Also idk what you mean by Poor characters and Story
Added by IsiX123 on Dec 26 2017, 16:05
Poor means what T13 said.

This is a poor story :
"hey bro i just left work"
"cool story bro wanna join my gang?"

You could've shrinked some missions into one

It's my fault for hard difficulty. I must've made the accuracy lower. (they were 50 and 25,though there were some enemies with 75)

You could've made it like this :
Ed was away from San Andreas. Let's say he was in LC or VC. He did some car stealings, gang banging and street fights there. When he retur
Added by GuerreroX on Dec 26 2017, 16:08
''cool story bro wanna join my gang?''Is not in the cutscene man!where the fuck T13 Get this dialouge.
is actually''Good for ya brother,wanna join my gang?''
Added by IsiX123 on Dec 26 2017, 16:51
some problems with typing. let me continue "when he returns he meets his brother and he tells him that things have changed. he tells him that he has created a street gang and then ed tries to help them,because he has experience from his criminal life outside san andreas. so ed didnt have a fight for the first time
Added by IsiX123 on Dec 26 2017, 16:52
also you could've made kofinston an african- american. He's an asian dude,with an american name,who leads an afro-american gang.
Added by Martin Strada on Dec 27 2017, 09:03
Seriously, your missions series have no logic, even there's a lot of bugs in one mission where I'm in Alhambra club, I'm saying the truth, and you angry about this?! I'm just saying, everyone can rate it.

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