A Bad day in Los Santos
By MarkoRS5
In this mission, you play as Tony.
You are willing to go to a vacation
with your friend Manny, but people
aren't happy for some reason and
decide to riot. What happens next,
you have to play the mission to know.
Enjoy my mission and don't forget to rate and comment!
In this mission, you play as Tony.
You are willing to go to a vacation
with your friend Manny, but people
aren't happy for some reason and
decide to riot. What happens next,
you have to play the mission to know.
Enjoy my mission and don't forget to rate and comment!
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Mar 04 '18
- Views
- 1582
- Downloads
- 1233
- Trailers
- 1
- Comments
- 4
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 41
- Actors
- 25
- Cars
- 4
- Pickups
- 2
- Objects
- 1

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Added by $uljo_TWD on Mar 01 2018, 21:56
Ludilo :D
Added by MarkoRS5 on Mar 01 2018, 22:19
Hahaha izgleda, hvala! :)
Added by T0nyMontana aKi on Mar 03 2018, 13:58
Added by AnDReJ98 on Mar 04 2018, 01:29
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