[MOTW 97] Hitman
By xGhostx

Target: Frank Novakov.
He's a business man who own the local basketball. But intel show that he's actually a child pornography producer. He need to be put down. Explore the map to find ways to assassinate him.
He's a business man who own the local basketball. But intel show that he's actually a child pornography producer. He need to be put down. Explore the map to find ways to assassinate him.
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Mar 04 '18
- Views
- 1425
- Downloads
- 1700
- Trailers
- 1
- Comments
- 2
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 23
- Actors
- 52
- Cars
- 18
- Pickups
- 4
- Objects
- 99

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Added by $uljo_TWD on Mar 06 2018, 15:16
Child Pornography producer ?! I want to kill him in real life son of the bitch li'l fucker
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