Detektyw Max cz.2
By TomekManieczki
Polski: Opis jedziesz na komisariat w los santos potem idziesz do komisarza mieczysława ktory jest prosto i na lewo kiedy przestaniesz z nim gadać jedz do glen park po MUSISZ ZABIĆ WSZYSTKICH po zabiciu wszystkich jedz do grove street wejdz do domu idz do kuchni i robota skonczona PRZECZYTAJ TO BO NIE BEDZIESZ WIEDZIAŁ JAK TO ZROBIĆ OCEŃ MOJĄ PRACE
Description you go to the police station in los santos then you go to the commissar of Mieczysław who is straight and left when you stop talking to him eat to glen park after you MUST KILL ALL after killing everyone to go to grove street go home go to the kitchen and the robot finished READ THIS BO YOU WILL NOT KNOW HOW TO MAKE MY WORK
Description you go to the police station in los santos then you go to the commissar of Mieczysław who is straight and left when you stop talking to him eat to glen park after you MUST KILL ALL after killing everyone to go to grove street go home go to the kitchen and the robot finished READ THIS BO YOU WILL NOT KNOW HOW TO MAKE MY WORK
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- Last Update
- May 06 '18
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- 396
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- Objectives
- 11
- Actors
- 12
- Cars
- 5
- Pickups
- 0
- Objects
- 5
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