Deals, always deals.
By lorenzo98
Sweet looks exhausted and he made up his mind about getting suppressed by the Ballas, now became a lot bigger.
They are doping Grove's OGs, that ain't, now, automatically able to carry out missions or protect the hood. CJ wants to redeem himself and show his brother he ain't the buster he thinks he actually is. Will he succeed to do it?
They are doping Grove's OGs, that ain't, now, automatically able to carry out missions or protect the hood. CJ wants to redeem himself and show his brother he ain't the buster he thinks he actually is. Will he succeed to do it?
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- Last Update
- Jun 10 '18
- Views
- 374
- Downloads
- 660
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- 0
- Comments
- 0
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- no
- Objectives
- 49
- Actors
- 72
- Cars
- 21
- Pickups
- 3
- Objects
- 28

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