DYOM » Missions » GTA SA BETA Story v3 (TTDISA Remaked)

GTA SA BETA Story v3 (TTDISA Remaked)

By spyderblack66

español:aviso luego saldran las misiones secundarias pero no prometo nada
misiones eliminadas de gta sa recreadas a dyom una mision nueva AWOL Angel comparando la version anterior tenia solo 5 ahora tiene 6

en la mision awol angel por tantos bugs de vehiculo para teletranportar a emmet para que conduzca no me dejaba decidi usar a emmet como personaje y a CJ como bot disparando a los objetivos

lo pase a mision pack porque pesa 6mb y en storyline me deja maximo cargar 50kb no me entraba el archivo

añadidas 2 escenas originales de gta sa que tenía en el mod deziree no son beta, pero las puse para hacerlo más realista

english:notice then the secondary missions will come out but I do not promise anything
missions removed from gta sa recreated to dyom a new mission AWOL Angel comparing the previous version had only 5 now has 6

in the awol angel mission for so many vehicle bugs to teleport to emmet so that he could drive, he did not let me decide to use Emmet as a character and CJ as a bot, shooting at the targets

I passed it to mission pack because it weighs 6mb and in storyline I let upload 50kb maximum did not enter the file

add 2 original cutscenes of gta sa that I had in the mod deziree no son beta but I put them to make it more realistic


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Last Update
Jul 26 '18


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PLAYcutscene test #1spyderblack66Jul 16 2018, 18:47
"cutscene test #1"
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PLAYcutscene test #2spyderblack66Jul 16 2018, 18:48
"cutscene test #2"
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PLAYbeta mision 1 spyderblack66Jul 16 2018, 18:49
"beta mision 1 "
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PLAYbeta mision 2spyderblack66Jul 16 2018, 18:49
"beta mision 2"
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PLAYbeta mision 3 spyderblack66Jul 16 2018, 18:50
"beta mision 3 "
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PLAYbeta mision 4 spyderblack66Jul 16 2018, 18:50
"beta mision 4 "
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PLAYbeta mision 5 spyderblack66Jul 16 2018, 18:50
"beta mision 5 "
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