By crackeren

Bir zamanlar Grove çetesinde Tony isimli birisi vardı. Gta San Andreas'ın senaryosunda Carl ve Big Smoke mezarlıkta Sweet, Kendl ve Ryder ile buluşmaya gittiklerinde, Sweet Brian, Tony Big Evil ve Little Evil gibi kişilerin çete için öldüklerini söylüyordu. Bizde bu görevde Tony isimli kahramanın ölmeden önce yaşadığı macera dolu olayları işledik, ikinci bölümü mutlaka yapılacaktır. İyi oyunlar.
ENGLİSH = Once upon a time there was someone named Tony Grove gang. GTA San Andreas scenario Carl and Big Smoke Sweet cemetery, they went to meet with Ryder and Kendl, Sweet Briar, Tony, and Big Evil would say they died for the people like Little Evil gang. So we handle this task, Tony is full of adventure events experienced by the hero before he died, the second part must be done. Good games.
ENGLİSH = Once upon a time there was someone named Tony Grove gang. GTA San Andreas scenario Carl and Big Smoke Sweet cemetery, they went to meet with Ryder and Kendl, Sweet Briar, Tony, and Big Evil would say they died for the people like Little Evil gang. So we handle this task, Tony is full of adventure events experienced by the hero before he died, the second part must be done. Good games.
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- Last Update
- Aug 02 '18
- Views
- 1020
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- 1030
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- 0
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Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- no
- Objectives
- 40
- Actors
- 34
- Cars
- 9
- Pickups
- 0
- Objects
- 4

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