By DiegoJC

Esta misión se desarrolla en la Tercera Guerra Mundial, somos un
militar, nuestra misión será limpiar la zona de guerra!, pasaremos por
bloqueos de carreteras, tanques, hunters, helicopteros, explosiones, cazadores, muchos enemigos, barricadas, ataques, bombardeos. ¿Qué mas quieres?, Pon a prueba tu nivel! JUEGA YA!
This mission takes place in the Third World War, we are a
military, our mission will be to clean up the war zone! We will go through
Roadblocks, tanks, hunters, helicopters, explosions, hunters, many enemies, attacks, bombings. what else do you want? Test your level! PLAY NOW!
militar, nuestra misión será limpiar la zona de guerra!, pasaremos por
bloqueos de carreteras, tanques, hunters, helicopteros, explosiones, cazadores, muchos enemigos, barricadas, ataques, bombardeos. ¿Qué mas quieres?, Pon a prueba tu nivel! JUEGA YA!
This mission takes place in the Third World War, we are a
military, our mission will be to clean up the war zone! We will go through
Roadblocks, tanks, hunters, helicopters, explosions, hunters, many enemies, attacks, bombings. what else do you want? Test your level! PLAY NOW!
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Aug 22 '18
- Views
- 818
- Downloads
- 830
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 3
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 14
- Actors
- 79
- Cars
- 27
- Pickups
- 10
- Objects
- 0

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Added by DiegoJC on Aug 22 2018, 11:37
Pon a prueba tu nivel! - Test your level!
Added by DiegoJC on Aug 26 2018, 21:41
Segunda parte disponible! : http://dyom.gtagames.nl/show/55203
Added by DiegoJC on Aug 26 2018, 21:42
Second part available! : http://dyom.gtagames.nl/show/55203
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