(MOTW #120) The Machine
By Zeko
Mission Of The Week #120
San Andreas, a place that everyone loves, but one day a zombie outbreak happens, and spawned by a machine. You play the role as Derrick, a S.W.A.T member from the LSPD. His goal is to destroy the machine, ordered by his General. His goal must be a success, or San Andreas will be in a zombie infection forever.
Mission Of The Week #120
San Andreas, a place that everyone loves, but one day a zombie outbreak happens, and spawned by a machine. You play the role as Derrick, a S.W.A.T member from the LSPD. His goal is to destroy the machine, ordered by his General. His goal must be a success, or San Andreas will be in a zombie infection forever.
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Aug 22 '18
- Views
- 1287
- Downloads
- 1056
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 0
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 52
- Actors
- 46
- Cars
- 10
- Pickups
- 2
- Objects
- 26

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