By yo-g
Toreno non può più contare sull'agenzia, ormai corrotta e non funzionante. Affida una missione a Gaven; tener d'occhio John Forbe, un razzista con idee folli e fanatico dei Confederati. Gaven scopre che Forbe non è un semplice esaltato, ma che ha un piano per mettere a ferro e fuoco gli Stati Uniti. Una volta fatto rapporto a Toreno, questo, già consapevole della minaccia di Forbe, affida una missione molto delicata a Gaven: eliminare John Forbe. Una Task Force gli darà supporto, ma Toreno perde immediatamente i contatti con loro, sospettando che siano stato uccisi...
Toreno can no longer count on the agency, now corrupt and not working. Entrust a mission to Gaven; Keep an eye on John Forbe, a racist with crazy and fanatical ideas of the Confederates. Gaven discovers that Forbe is not a simple exalted, but that he has a plan to put the United States on fire. Once reported to Toreno, this, already aware of the threat of Forbe, entrusts a very delicate mission to Gaven: to eliminate John Forbe. A Task Force will give him support, but Toreno immediately loses contact with them, suspecting that they have been killed ...
Toreno can no longer count on the agency, now corrupt and not working. Entrust a mission to Gaven; Keep an eye on John Forbe, a racist with crazy and fanatical ideas of the Confederates. Gaven discovers that Forbe is not a simple exalted, but that he has a plan to put the United States on fire. Once reported to Toreno, this, already aware of the threat of Forbe, entrusts a very delicate mission to Gaven: to eliminate John Forbe. A Task Force will give him support, but Toreno immediately loses contact with them, suspecting that they have been killed ...
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SELECT | TrailerName | Author | Date | Rating |
PLAY | Anarchia - GTA San Andreas DYOM | yo-g | Aug 23 2018, 18:02 | 0 |
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Added by DennysCute99 on Aug 23 2018, 17:59
E un nuovo MP?
Added by AnonDyom01010 on Aug 23 2018, 20:26
Dabe YO! Come va?
8 anni dopo ancora DYOM? ;)
8 anni dopo ancora DYOM? ;)
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