[MOTW #121] Back O' Beyond Massacre
By VikingBNS

FOLLOW THE SEQUEL STORYLINE'S PROGRESS ON GTAFORUMS: https://gtaforums.com/topic/915819-wip-bring-down-leatherface/
SD FOLDER DOWNLOAD: http://www.mediafire.com/file/9p4v4hdvrepjocx/SD.zip/file
Three rich kids in search of excitement decide that stealing a van carrying a stereo implant it's a good idea. They succesfully make it out of the city, but the police is closing fast and they have to ditch the van. Their only choice is to venture in the Back O' Beyond region..
SD FOLDER DOWNLOAD: http://www.mediafire.com/file/9p4v4hdvrepjocx/SD.zip/file
Three rich kids in search of excitement decide that stealing a van carrying a stereo implant it's a good idea. They succesfully make it out of the city, but the police is closing fast and they have to ditch the van. Their only choice is to venture in the Back O' Beyond region..
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Oct 15 '18
- Views
- 1544
- Downloads
- 1497
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 3
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 81
- Actors
- 36
- Cars
- 2
- Pickups
- 2
- Objects
- 25

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Added by fidelus# on Sep 08 2018, 07:27
I played it and its nice.
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