[BB] Rebel
By VikingBNS

SD folder download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/t78qblw7pde7lfj/Rebel_SD.zip/file
In a dystopic world, a TotallyEvil Corp, a totally evil corporation (who would have thought?) is on the verge of taking control of the entire internet and the world. Only three things are standing in its way: an annoying teen protagonist, his dumb and predictable love interest and a ton of GTA SA characters' cameos. Will Thomas, our protagonist, manage to inspire the people to rebel, fight and save the world through the power of love?
In a dystopic world, a TotallyEvil Corp, a totally evil corporation (who would have thought?) is on the verge of taking control of the entire internet and the world. Only three things are standing in its way: an annoying teen protagonist, his dumb and predictable love interest and a ton of GTA SA characters' cameos. Will Thomas, our protagonist, manage to inspire the people to rebel, fight and save the world through the power of love?
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Sep 01 '18
- Views
- 1394
- Downloads
- 1161
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 1
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 80
- Actors
- 66
- Cars
- 12
- Pickups
- 3
- Objects
- 10

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I love it