The Outbreak...
By El1teG4mer69
First Mission to the series 'San Andreas Unliveable Nightmare'. You are playing as Eric Parker, a security guard in Sector 0. Your boss 'Paul Barrett' hands you a task to switch on the communication grid in the Control Bridge as it shorted a fuse and Sector 0 needs communication with Delta (where Test 303 takes place). You head to the communication bridge where you switch on the power again, only for Test 303 to unveil a new hell, and chaos bursts throughout the base, killing almost all personal and turning them into these 'creatures'. You must then link back up with your commander 'Paul Barrett' in Sector 0 as hell unwraps around you...
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SELECT | TrailerName | Author | Date | Rating |
PLAY | The Outbreak... | DyomTeam | Sep 04 2018, 13:57 | 5 |
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Added by El1teG4mer69 on Sep 04 2018, 12:37
I should also add I use my name 'El1teGamer540' as it is what I'm best known as and this is my first mission I've ever uploaded on here so I'm hoping this gets good results. The second mission is already a work in progress. It will be called 'A Nasty Revisit'
Added by DyomTeam on Sep 04 2018, 13:56
What a good mission! Nice use of the dialogs and effects! 5/5 stars!
Added by El1teG4mer69 on Sep 04 2018, 14:19
Thanks DyomTeam. Appreciate the rating! :)
Added by moumine on Sep 11 2022, 11:31
thise a good mission bro but it need some action
Added by El1teG4mer69 on Sep 11 2022, 19:10
Thxs for the feedback bro, in those missions i was going for a more story-driven mission soo forgive all the cutscenes ahah u should defo check out sum of the others too tho, hopefully they might have the action ur needing n if i ever continue this series i'll make sure there's more action :) thxs again
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