Il Macellaio di Harwood (GTA United 1.2)
By yo-g
Nel 1971 il boss di Tommy, Sonny Forelli, temendo che presto egli avrebbe potuto scalzarlo dal suo posto di comando, gli commissionò l'omicidio di un uomo nel distretto di Harwood, in realtà un'imboscata atta a uccidere Tommy stesso (Tommy però non scoprirà prima di 15 anni il mandante dell'agguato, cioè Sonny). Tommy non solo sopravvisse all'imboscata ma uccise tutti gli undici sicari di Forelli. Nonostante ciò venne arrestato dalla polizia e condannato a quindici anni di reclusione per omicidio plurimo. Fu per questi omicidi che Tommy si guadagnò il soprannome di "Macellaio di Hardwood".
In 1971 Tommy's boss, Sonny Forelli, fearing that he would soon be able to get him out of his command post, commissioned him to murder a man in the Harwood district, in fact an ambush to kill Tommy himself (Tommy but not he will discover before 15 years the principal of the ambush, that is Sonny). Tommy not only survived the ambush but killed all of Forelli's eleven goons. Despite this he was arrested by the police and sentenced to fifteen years in prison for multiple homicide. It was for these murders that Tommy earned the nickname "Hardwood Butcher".
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In 1971 Tommy's boss, Sonny Forelli, fearing that he would soon be able to get him out of his command post, commissioned him to murder a man in the Harwood district, in fact an ambush to kill Tommy himself (Tommy but not he will discover before 15 years the principal of the ambush, that is Sonny). Tommy not only survived the ambush but killed all of Forelli's eleven goons. Despite this he was arrested by the police and sentenced to fifteen years in prison for multiple homicide. It was for these murders that Tommy earned the nickname "Hardwood Butcher".
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PLAY | Il Macellaio di Harwood | yo-g | Oct 09 2018, 14:43 | 0 |
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