[MOTW #126] Supply Run
By VikingBNS

DOWNLOAD AUDIO AND MUSIC FILES HERE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/cc7ciqen0dordfp/Supply_Run.zip/file
After a Second American Civil War, San Andreas has been left to its fate.
Several faction were created, and with them conflicts came. You play as Gordon, a pilot of the Rangers who must help his comrades repel an attack launched in their territory by the Militia, an opposing faction, by dropping much needed supplies to the various Ranger outposts..
After a Second American Civil War, San Andreas has been left to its fate.
Several faction were created, and with them conflicts came. You play as Gordon, a pilot of the Rangers who must help his comrades repel an attack launched in their territory by the Militia, an opposing faction, by dropping much needed supplies to the various Ranger outposts..
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Oct 10 '18
- Views
- 1828
- Downloads
- 1378
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 0
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 73
- Actors
- 92
- Cars
- 44
- Pickups
- 0
- Objects
- 40

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