THE DEFEND OF BERLIN (2) - Operation Bar
By Zeko
2nd mission of THE DEFEND OF BERLIN (2).
After the main Russian general has been killed, John Schneider pushes his way through American forces and tries to defend Berlin, his General couldn't believe what did he do. John strikes the Americans with his weapons, taking over small bunkers and helping his crew. General wants to promote John as a Captain - but John didn't want to do that, so he wanted to be lieutenant during the defend of Berlin. He actually extended the date of World War 2 - ending in couple of years and John rises his power again.
FULL NAME: Operation Barbarossa 2
After the main Russian general has been killed, John Schneider pushes his way through American forces and tries to defend Berlin, his General couldn't believe what did he do. John strikes the Americans with his weapons, taking over small bunkers and helping his crew. General wants to promote John as a Captain - but John didn't want to do that, so he wanted to be lieutenant during the defend of Berlin. He actually extended the date of World War 2 - ending in couple of years and John rises his power again.
FULL NAME: Operation Barbarossa 2
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Dec 16 '18
- Views
- 1290
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- 1145
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- 0
- Comments
- 15
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 55
- Actors
- 58
- Cars
- 22
- Pickups
- 3
- Objects
- 47

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Added by BlackHawkBR on Dec 16 2018, 20:07
Good Mission, But l not understand some skins of the enemys, But is a good mission great work!
Added by BlackHawkBR on Dec 16 2018, 20:08
Ignore this Big D He is crazy
Added by BlackHawkBR on Dec 16 2018, 20:08
My English is not good, lf you not understand sorry ;-;
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because you're a troller, it's not my fault,
thanks for commenting anyways