By NUDA!Official
Kompletna paczka wszystkich 5 czesci Reaktywacji NUDY!, zoptymalizowanych do dzialania z najnowsza wersja DYOMa. Pickup'y, aktorzy i pojazdy znikaja (a w kilku przypadkach - rowniez pojawiaja sie) poprawnie, co redukuje ryzyko crash'u do absolutnego minimum. Naprawione zostaly niedzialajace cutscenki, teleporty i sciezki aktorow, ktore przestaly dzialac w nowej wersji DYOMa, plus kilka literowek. NIC NIE ZOSTALO WYCIETE ANI DODANE - to ciagle ta sama NUDA!, ktora znacie i kochacie. Tak, calosc jest po polsku.
Wszystkie misje zostaly przetestowane na DYOMie w wersji 8.0, na 64-bitowym Windowsie 7 i Steam'owym GTA San Andreas zmienionym na wersje 1.0 przy uzyciu "1.0 downgrader".
Complete package of all 5 episodes of NUDA! Reaktywacja, optimised to work with the current version of DYOM. Pickups, actors and vehicles now hide (and in some cases - spawn) properly, reducing the risk of a crash to an absolute minimum. Fixed some of the cutscenes, teleports and actor paths that stopped working for no reason, plus a few spelling mistakes. NOTHING WAS CUT OR ADDED - it's still the same NUDA! experience that you know and love. And yes, the whole thing is in polish, but who cares?
All missions were tested using DYOM v8.0 on Windows 7 64-bit, on the Steam version of GTA San Andreas downgraded to version 1.0 thanks to "1.0 downgrader".
This page was edited in 2024 to remove Polish characters from the description. The mission files remain unchanged.
Ta strona byla edytowana w 2024 aby usunac polskie znaki z opisu. Same misje nie byly zmieniane.
Wszystkie misje zostaly przetestowane na DYOMie w wersji 8.0, na 64-bitowym Windowsie 7 i Steam'owym GTA San Andreas zmienionym na wersje 1.0 przy uzyciu "1.0 downgrader".
Complete package of all 5 episodes of NUDA! Reaktywacja, optimised to work with the current version of DYOM. Pickups, actors and vehicles now hide (and in some cases - spawn) properly, reducing the risk of a crash to an absolute minimum. Fixed some of the cutscenes, teleports and actor paths that stopped working for no reason, plus a few spelling mistakes. NOTHING WAS CUT OR ADDED - it's still the same NUDA! experience that you know and love. And yes, the whole thing is in polish, but who cares?
All missions were tested using DYOM v8.0 on Windows 7 64-bit, on the Steam version of GTA San Andreas downgraded to version 1.0 thanks to "1.0 downgrader".
This page was edited in 2024 to remove Polish characters from the description. The mission files remain unchanged.
Ta strona byla edytowana w 2024 aby usunac polskie znaki z opisu. Same misje nie byly zmieniane.
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