Silence Scream 3 - Trouble through
By Zeko

The story of Silence Scream 3 starts with young twins under different and strict beliefs of Christianity, but the neighbors and other police officers have straightly reported in the neighboring village of Palomino Creek to have been recently and eventually closed due to weird and loud neighboring noises and recent suicides by their residents. A guy named Mark being a young man, lost his twin in the village; the mother also was reported to be lost after searching for him. Onto the beginning of July 1999, Mark begins his investigation and seek for his twin and mother in the haunts of Palomino Creek.
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- Jun 12 '19
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Added by Lendov on Jun 12 2019, 17:33
Hey dude, there seems to be a problem with your dyom0.file. Your mission wont show on my menu. Really want to play this, cause it looks promising.
Added by GuerreroX on Jun 12 2019, 19:30
@Lendov He published the mission which means no one can stole his mission, rename the file to "dyom1.dat"
Added by Lendov on Jun 12 2019, 22:48
@GuerreroX Damn, didn't know that. Thanks, man.
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