Silence Scream 1 - Between the Unleashed
By Zeko

After vacation had been finished in Northsfield, the protagonist (Alessa) was set to go back to Red Square along with her friends; but an strange incident occurs near Palomino Creek, a small town said to be "possessed" by supernatural powers and had been closed down under the Government. Alessa finds herself awakened in an small diner at the town, being stated that it's some kind of a "dream". She tries to get contact with her family, but it all fails as connection to the town was cut for many reasons. With the protagonist being a high school student in the 90's, as seemingly haunted by delusions and nightmares; with the neighboring towns state Palomino Creek's powers may spread across the regions - following an unwanted nightmare, Alessa begins her adventure in the little town; encountering many types of strange figures, referred as "things" from her own perspective. She meets an "priest", whom appears to know about Alessa's backstory and her life. Alessa appears confused at the time, but she slowly begins to understand the truth and the backstory about her life during birth. Referred as the "Important Holiness", Alessa remains one of the important "entities" in the town's mind and possession.
After vacation had been finished in Northsfield, the protagonist (Alessa) was set to go back to Red Square along with her friends; but an strange incident occurs near Palomino Creek, a small town said to be "possessed" by supernatural powers and had been closed down under the Government. Alessa finds herself awakened in an small diner at the town, being stated that it's some kind of a "dream". She tries to get contact with her family, but it all fails as connection to the town was cut for many reasons. With the protagonist being a high school student in the 90's, as seemingly haunted by delusions and nightmares; with the neighboring towns state Palomino Creek's powers may spread across the regions - following an unwanted nightmare, Alessa begins her adventure in the little town; encountering many types of strange figures, referred as "things" from her own perspective. She meets an "priest", whom appears to know about Alessa's backstory and her life. Alessa appears confused at the time, but she slowly begins to understand the truth and the backstory about her life during birth. Referred as the "Important Holiness", Alessa remains one of the important "entities" in the town's mind and possession.
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- Jan 13 '20
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- ReadOnly
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- Objectives
- 100
- Actors
- 26
- Cars
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- Pickups
- 7
- Objects
- 93

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