DYOM » StoryLines » Vagrants - Act One

Vagrants - Act One

By VikingBNS

DISCLAIMER: This is the LITE version. To fully enjoy the Mission Pack, download the FULL version with MUSIC and EXTRAS here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/5r978uu3bz38u6z/Vagrant_Act_One_FULL.zip/file

Step into the shoes of Myles, an 18 years old boy who lives with his parents in a farm between Montgomery and Dillimore.

They are among the so-called Outsiders, people who populate the countryside, away from the wars and politics of the factions that rose after the end of a devastating Civil War.

All goes well, until one day, while he is away from home, an unknown group murders his parents and burns their farm down. Myles is rescued by a band of bikers, conveniently passing by the area. They call themselves "Vagrants".

Lost and confused, Myles has to stick with them, to learn how to survive and maybe one day find his parents' murderers and exact revenge.

Will Myles succeed? Will he find a new purpose and a place in the world outside his hometown?


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Apr 29 '20


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Added by RaXo (old account) on Jan 11 2021, 14:19
I love it, the cinematics is great, the small talk with people feels natural, making this missionpack immersive, I do notice a little bit of spelling and grammar errors, but it's still acceptable, overall, 5/5. Looking forward to play ACT 2

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