Ryder killls CJ and all of his friends
By John-Greek-GOD
Hello guys this is my 2nd mission which Ryder survived and he learnt that CJ killed big Smoke and he is on his house having a party with all his friends.Then Ryder told his balla best friend to meet him at pier 69 to tell him that CJ is having a party with all his friends.At the end Ryder takes his revenge on CJ and all hs friends. Good luck guys i hope you enjoy it!!!
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- Last Update
- May 10 '20
- Views
- 416
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- Comments
- 2
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- ReadOnly
- no
- Objectives
- 13
- Actors
- 41
- Cars
- 8
- Pickups
- 7
- Objects
- 8
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Added by John-Greek-GOD on May 12 2020, 17:16
Ok bro thank you for your comment it is my second mission and i will uptade it soon
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1-the driving road is too long the player will get sick of it i suggest that you make the way shorter.
2-instead of casino tables and safe locks that are in the short way to grove street you can but cars (small) and make a pullet prove for them
3-let 3 ballas boys follow ryder instead of one to make the mission easier because it is hard