Two guns are better than one.
By Miguel16310
Raphael's adventures had not ended. Ricardo calls him one day, during the night, this time he won't be alone.
Raphael and Amanda's Skins:
This took me the whole night of June 12th and the whole 13th, I learned a lot and I'm glad for it. Now, if only I knew what to do after this... please, tell me what do you think.
Raphael and Amanda's Skins:
This took me the whole night of June 12th and the whole 13th, I learned a lot and I'm glad for it. Now, if only I knew what to do after this... please, tell me what do you think.
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- Last Update
- Jun 14 '20
- Views
- 296
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- 724
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- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 78
- Actors
- 38
- Cars
- 13
- Pickups
- 0
- Objects
- 16
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