DYOM » StoryLines » Grand Theft Auto: The 80's Stories 2

Grand Theft Auto: The 80's Stories 2


San Andreas, 1986 Zack Fosters came out of prison and starts to work with is best friend Henry Crawford, who take Zack to know the very dirty work. Among people who get him in trouble and between corrupt detectives and gang wars, Zack will have to try to survive in San Andreas and become the most respected criminal in the state. A storyline in rockstarian style in the beautiful 80s. Play this storyline with dyom 8.1 and install the modpack for a better experience in the game. Enjoy!
P.S. I uptade the modpack of the storyline with new cars and 2 skins.


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Last Update
Jul 06 '20


Rated 1 times, Average 4

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Added by Miguel16310 on Jul 06 2020, 21:24
Hello! nice to see that the second part came so soon... but... I must say, and please don't be angry, that the first part was better, first of all, Zack just helped Detective Stone because of yes, there was not even a menace or something, wich it was like an empty motive.
Added by Miguel16310 on Jul 06 2020, 21:24

Another thing is that the mission named Blowing up was kinda confusing, what was going to happen with a remote control? it took the next mission to know that it was going to blow up the car where Henry was.
Added by Miguel16310 on Jul 06 2020, 21:25
And Lastly, a thing that I liked a lot, was the fact that at the end, Henry and Zack had to go outside from Los Santos, very much like CJ did after The Green Sabre mission. Please forgive me for this, but I shall give it a 4 this time around.
Added by D103FCHANNEL on Jul 07 2020, 10:51
Hi Miguel, thanks for play and rating. Yea Zack when meet Stone for the first time was a little bit scared in the mission blowing up is a referement to Scarface scene in NYC. Then Jay was intentioned to kill Henry blowing up the car but Zack he found is plan and kill him like Alberto in Scarface. Anyway thanks for playing and the rating. The part 3 will be arrive soon.

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