Grand Theft Auto: The 80's Stories 3

San Andreas, 1986 Zack Fosters came out of prison and starts to work with is best friend Henry Crawford, who take Zack to know the very dirty work. Among people who get him in trouble and between corrupt detectives and gang wars, Zack will have to try to survive in San Andreas and become the most respected criminal in the state. A storyline in rockstarian style in the beautiful 80s. Play this storyline with dyom 8.1 and install the modpack for a better experience in the game. Enjoy!
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- Jul 07 '20
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Added by Miguel16310 on Jul 10 2020, 16:48
Okay, this is going to be kinda long. First of all, I loved the exile idea as I said before; the first missions where Zack and Henry met Toreno were very interesting, specially the one going to San Fierro. After they reached it, all became much more interesting to my eyes; loved the Mafia 1 and 2 reference with the "Mr.Salieri sends his regards"
Added by Miguel16310 on Jul 10 2020, 16:49
Now, my favorite mission was the one called "The Ranch", the way Zack used a boat remind me a lot of vice city, I loved that, and the way you connected Toreno's safe house in the normal game's story with this mission... man, it was incredible! really, I loved it so, so, so much I can't express it!
Added by Miguel16310 on Jul 10 2020, 16:49
The rest of the missions were fun too, but not too worth mentioning, except for the hotel one with the parachute, I really liked it a lot, because those places are always unused, good choice!... I'm finally starting to see how much Zack cares for Henry, but maybe you could make them have more interactions before the missions, like, don't know, having a card contest, talking about childhood like Ryder and CJ did, things like that.
Added by Miguel16310 on Jul 10 2020, 16:49
And lastly, for the love of god, stop making Zack have such a big ass Health bar. It makes everything way too easy and boring, he doesn't even need a body armour because of how big it is, think about it. See you around in part 4 that already came out as I saw a little earlier, I'm excited to play it! 5/5
Added by D103FCHANNEL on Jul 11 2020, 19:53
Thanks for rating and play Miguel. Yes i'm sorry for the health bar maybe in future i put it at the 100%. I see you like the storyline. Anyway thanks for playing and rating.
Added by D103FCHANNEL on Jul 11 2020, 19:54
Thanks for rating and play Miguel. Yes i'm sorry for the health bar maybe in future i put it at the 100%. I see you like the storyline. Anyway thanks for playing and rating.
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