By el cj
español: hola gente es mi primer nivel de esto de zombies nesecitaran mods y skin para jugar esta mision no se preocupen degare un link para que lo descargen recuerden hacer copia de seguridad que lo disfruten
english:hello people is my first level of this zombies you will need mods and skin to play this mission do not worry I will leave a link for you to download it remember to make backup that you enjoy
link 1casas house:http://www.mediafire.com/file/52ro7crh0ml6uuu/CasasCJ124.rar/file
link2 periodistas journalists:http://www.mediafire.com/file/dk2wsjd0bhomwis/Skins_Reporteros_GTA_SA_BY_CAPO222222.rar/file
eligan un reportero y eligando el skin del policias del desierto por que yo use ese skin y listo disfruten.
Choose a reporter and choose the skin of the desert police because I use that skin and ready enjoy.
english:hello people is my first level of this zombies you will need mods and skin to play this mission do not worry I will leave a link for you to download it remember to make backup that you enjoy
link 1casas house:http://www.mediafire.com/file/52ro7crh0ml6uuu/CasasCJ124.rar/file
link2 periodistas journalists:http://www.mediafire.com/file/dk2wsjd0bhomwis/Skins_Reporteros_GTA_SA_BY_CAPO222222.rar/file
eligan un reportero y eligando el skin del policias del desierto por que yo use ese skin y listo disfruten.
Choose a reporter and choose the skin of the desert police because I use that skin and ready enjoy.
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