El Asalto Perfecto (Español/Spanish)
Welcome, this is my first mission upload ever, in this mission you're gonna be Carl Jonhson who wakes up at 2:00 A. M. and finds himself in a problem with some clowns and russians and haves to defend himself using the weapons of his dead homies. the mission is in spanish maybe later i'm gonna do a translation to english. have fun playing this short mission, soon part 2! (Esta mision era de joda xd, pronto intentare hacer un remake "serio")
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Feb 08 '21
- Views
- 429
- Downloads
- 490
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 4
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 34
- Actors
- 20
- Cars
- 2
- Pickups
- 0
- Objects
- 0
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Added by emanuel26 on Jan 29 2021, 02:56
Ta buena la misión, espero que salga la 2 parte, igual que intensa que la primera, fuerza bro...
Added by MrJnFX on Feb 08 2021, 05:23
Added by alan jd 1 on Mar 10 2021, 03:24
man encerio esta re bueno quiero la parte 2 crack
Added by alan jd 1 on Mar 10 2021, 07:32
na mentira man esta re bugeado matas a 3 mafiosos o nose que y te pone que debes matar 3 tres pero esta en san fierro y estan bugeado abajo del mar y no puedo continuar con la mision :(
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