Assassin : Gun for Hire(First Mission)
By Ronnie22-94
This is the first mission of my new upcoming mission-pack Assassin:Gun For Hire only the first mission the mission-pack is work in progress.
Play the first mission and tell me your opinion in the comments below!
Don't forget to vote!
And again thanks for playing! it means a lot to me
This mission pack tells the story of an Assassin how he started his life and how he became the most dangerous Assassin in the state.Immerse yourself in the conspiracy world with assassinations, complex story and protagonist.Seek the truth about yourself and make choises.
Play the first mission and tell me your opinion in the comments below!
Don't forget to vote!
And again thanks for playing! it means a lot to me
This mission pack tells the story of an Assassin how he started his life and how he became the most dangerous Assassin in the state.Immerse yourself in the conspiracy world with assassinations, complex story and protagonist.Seek the truth about yourself and make choises.
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Feb 14 '24
- Views
- 593
- Downloads
- 765
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 5
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 57
- Actors
- 18
- Cars
- 3
- Pickups
- 0
- Objects
- 1

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Added by Ronnie22-94 on Mar 24 2021, 14:10
Thanks for your support pepi8! the plot gets more interesting in the later missions, might become a little complex but you have to pay attention to the cutscenes.Just because he's an Assassin he works in the shadows and an undercover to keep clear his name.
Added by pepi8 on Mar 24 2021, 18:11
Yeah I like the plot and everthing but there was some kind of interviewer in the end and he knew who he was and where he lived everything.
But I think its part of the storyline so waiting for the mission pack mate!
I have a feeling it will be fire!!
But I think its part of the storyline so waiting for the mission pack mate!
I have a feeling it will be fire!!
Added by Ronnie22-94 on Mar 24 2021, 22:03
The interviewer knows you are an Assassin but he won't talk to anyone.It's part of the story of course because it was a chance to tell his side of story.
Added by pepi8 on Mar 25 2021, 07:13
Oh I see now.. Well that's cool then :D Well that's all I wanted to say about the mission so now I am just waiting for the mp :)
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I liked the plot and everything
I just dont think its good the best assasin to be known worldwide cuz u know the FBI will try to arrest him or something but its just my opinon.
Your story your rules.
Waiting for the mission pack ;)