Urban Gangster (Demo)
By Khoipete
Inspired by Gta Online
Urban Gangster is a dyom project by Khoipete
Still in development
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Urban Gangster is a dyom project by Khoipete
Still in development
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- Last Update
- May 26 '21
- Views
- 350
- Downloads
- 127
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 1
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Added by D103FCHANNEL on Jul 28 2021, 18:45
Hi, i recent play your demo. The mission design is not bad, but there are some errors on them. For exeample: In the race mission Jay was follow you and he don't follow a own pattern for the race. Or the hide of actors like G in the mission who you steal the Journey. And talking about of the Journey mission, why you put in Las Venturas? Is too far from the player location! Anyway is a good demo but try to fix the errors on the final version. Anyway i enjoyed and i like the style of the missions.
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