Party Off.
By Aleksa Relic (non-member)
U potpunosti nova, provereno bez bugova i ostalih stvari, poptuno nova misija napravljena od strane Aleksa Relica Party of.. Misija je zasnovana na hrabrom bajkeru Mike koji se ne provodi dobro u okolnim selima Los Santosa te se vraca u rodni grad Los Santos, sklapa ugovor sa ballasima te obavalja poslove za njih , oruzije, pucnjave, zurke , sloga
O Misiji: Mike iznaneda dobija poziv od 2 ballasa kako ga sef ballasa ceka kod svoje kuce, Mike stize kod sefa te mu on sapostava da Ruska Mafija pravi zurku, oni dvojica prolaze pored obezbednjena, mafije , i Ruske Mafije kako bi se docepali oruzija potrebnih za njegovu organizaciju
Brand new, tested without bugs and other things, brand new mission made by Alex Relic Party of .. The mission was founded by the brave biker Mike who is not doing well in the surrounding villages of Los Santos and returns to his hometown of Los Santos, concludes a contract with ballas and does the work for them, weapons, shootings, parties, harmony
About the Mission: Mike suddenly gets a call from 2 balas as the balas boss is waiting for him at his house, Mike arrives at the safe and he tells him that the Russian Mafia is having a party, the two of them pass by the secured mafia and the Russian Mafia for his organization
O Misiji: Mike iznaneda dobija poziv od 2 ballasa kako ga sef ballasa ceka kod svoje kuce, Mike stize kod sefa te mu on sapostava da Ruska Mafija pravi zurku, oni dvojica prolaze pored obezbednjena, mafije , i Ruske Mafije kako bi se docepali oruzija potrebnih za njegovu organizaciju
Brand new, tested without bugs and other things, brand new mission made by Alex Relic Party of .. The mission was founded by the brave biker Mike who is not doing well in the surrounding villages of Los Santos and returns to his hometown of Los Santos, concludes a contract with ballas and does the work for them, weapons, shootings, parties, harmony
About the Mission: Mike suddenly gets a call from 2 balas as the balas boss is waiting for him at his house, Mike arrives at the safe and he tells him that the Russian Mafia is having a party, the two of them pass by the secured mafia and the Russian Mafia for his organization
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- Last Update
- Jun 13 '21
- Views
- 153
- Downloads
- 288
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- 0
- Comments
- 0
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 13
- Actors
- 23
- Cars
- 12
- Pickups
- 0
- Objects
- 35
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