A PANDEMIA ZUMBI parte 2 1/2
By SaMuLaMaGa

missao nao esta totalmente completa, em breve saira a parte 2/2
mission is not fully complete, part 2/2 will be out soon
Jonh trabalha na area 69 como cientista, um soldado chega dizendo algumas coisas para ele e ele nao gosta de nada o soldado decide se vingar e fala para seu chefe...
John works in area 69 as a scientist, a soldier arrives saying some things to him and he doesn't like anything, the soldier decides to get revenge and talks to his boss...
mission is not fully complete, part 2/2 will be out soon
Jonh trabalha na area 69 como cientista, um soldado chega dizendo algumas coisas para ele e ele nao gosta de nada o soldado decide se vingar e fala para seu chefe...
John works in area 69 as a scientist, a soldier arrives saying some things to him and he doesn't like anything, the soldier decides to get revenge and talks to his boss...
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- Last Update
- Jul 05 '21
- Views
- 299
- Downloads
- 402
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 1
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 54
- Actors
- 72
- Cars
- 17
- Pickups
- 0
- Objects
- 16

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Added by Matehus33321 on Jul 05 2021, 03:44
quando sai a parte 2
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