DYOM » Missions » [MP] The Wolf Within Chapter 1

[MP] The Wolf Within Chapter 1

By ArCana

Check the gtaforums page of this mission series for more info! https://gtaforums.com/topic/973746-the-wolf-within/

The world has its surface; the ordinary things. But what happens when an underground part exists as well? Things hidden from humans, things that don't belong among the ordinary.

The city of San Andreas has its remote areas inhabited by groups of very special people. Those people are werewolves, creatures that are both human and wolf. Most live away from humans, and those who live among them keep their nature a secret.

Soon after his uncle's death at the hands of a wolf, Mason Smith finds out that he is one such creature himself, and suddenly finds himself in an alliance with a local pack of werewolves as he needs to learn to control his nature. Left wondering whether the pack cares about him or is just helping him to preserve their secret, Mason comes to find hidden truths that turn his life upside down and force him to come to difficult decisions.

Download these custom skins from here, otherwise the missions will not make sense! https://www.mediafire.com/file/52sn8ntb2w86ye3/skins.rar/file

To install the skins, place the "skins" folder inside your modloader folder. They're not large in size, but if you fear they might cause crashes, install stream memory fix or any mod that tweaks the game's memory limit.


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Last Update
Jul 24 '21


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