BURNING MAN (rest in LS)
a guy named graly just come to los santos and finds a man named ken he is a powerfull man who controls the streets of LS graly help him from bikers and he got a job he works in police department and work for police and ken
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- Last Update
- Sep 10 '21
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- 2

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Added by Creative845 on Sep 17 2021, 04:18
@COLD STONE, You need a lot of improvement on your mission featuring and vocabulary skills.
Added by Creative845 on Sep 17 2021, 17:13
By the way, I found something very unexpected from your mission "New Friend". Thanks for asking me to play it otherwise I wouldn't get that feature in about an eternity. I'm not meant to say that the story isn't good. It is good but you need to improve your vocabulary skills and make the missions even harder.
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