DYOM » StoryLines » GTA Seville Stories

GTA Seville Stories

By Creative845

The story of Temple Families wasn't possible as there's no main characters that belong to that gang. So, I knew a bunch of characters that belongs to Seville Families and that's why I decided to make a Seville Stories. This Story is about LB; who was mentioned to CJ by Ryder in his missions. This story is parallel to the 1992 events happened in Los Santos when CJ arrived here. The main story characters here are:
- LB (Little Barry)
- Big Smoke
- Ryder
- Emmet
- Dwayne
- Jerry
There are some story missions and also some side missions in this story as well. Here's the list of the story missions:
1. Boulevard Boy
2. Coke Diet
3. Sharp Wheels
4. Wreckwish
5. Payback
6. Truck
7. The Setup
8. Midnight Mayhem
9. Outrider
10. An Invite to Reunite
But, the story is not finished yet. The finale would take some time to be made. So, be patient to wait for it too. Also I'm sorry for publishing it so late. Hope you enjoy this story, rate it and also give some comments about how this story is.


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Last Update
Oct 26 '21


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Added by masterkill on Oct 26 2021, 18:46
hello calm friend take the time that is necessary I hope you separate your stories are good
Added by Creative845 on Oct 27 2021, 11:29
@masterkill, What exactly do you want to say? I didn't understood.
Added by masterkill on Oct 27 2021, 20:49
So if you delay in getting a story that doesn't matter, take as long as necessary?
Added by Creative845 on Oct 28 2021, 08:48
@masterkill What do you mean, it doesn't matter?
I'm delaying just the series PACK. Hopefully, I will start making it at the end of this year or the beginning of next year. So, keep waiting.
Added by masterkill on Oct 28 2021, 20:00

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