DYOM » Missions » [BS1.3] {Finale} Ending C - Save Both

[BS1.3] {Finale} Ending C - Save Both

By Creative845

Yes guys, as you thought killing Mike or Edward was the unfair options I made and I am expecting that some people may have gone mad at this that why I only gave 2 options. This is the alternate option I hope that would be like how the people who love to play my missions/stories wanted. Sorry for publishing it late and also I forgot to give a shout-out to VKSA for requesting me this series. Thank you everyone for playing my Ballas Stories and don't worry, I won't be going anywhere, It's just the thing that I am getting busy. But, you should have some patience for the new uploads on my profile. Enjoy the mission. There's no gold trophy objectives in this mission so I hope that won't be a bothersome mission like every other mission if someone hates the Gold Trophy Challenges.
Note: Move a few meters away from the loading position in order to respawn the rock above that position when you load the 4th part of this mission.


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Nov 15 '21


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