يئتي بوبو لبيت صديقه دودو ليعرض عليه ان هناك شخص كام يضايقه ÙÙŠ السجن من عصابة ميش ارثار ليقرر دودو Ùˆ بوبو ان ÙŠØققا اين يكون مقر الميش ارثر ماÙيا Ùيقول لهم اهد الاعضاء انهم لهم مقر ÙÙŠ الجنوب Ùˆ تØديدا جنوب لوس سانتوس ÙÙŠ قصر يسما قصر كيلو ميش ارثر Ùيجمعان هما اعضاء للهجوم على القصر Ùˆ قتل كل الموجودين هناك Ùˆ بعد ما جمعا الاعضاء قاما بالهجوم Ùˆ قتلى كل الاعضاء المهمين ÙÙŠ الماÙيا Ùˆ بعدها يهربان للبيت خوÙا من هجوم الانتقام Ùئن الماÙيا قوية ÙÙŠ الداخل Ùيهربان Ùˆ يشكر دودو بوبو على تلبيت طلبه معلومة من طور Ùˆ من صنع المهمة هو YZ او يوسÙ
Bobo comes to the house of his friend Dodo to show him that there is someone who is harassing him in prison from the Mich Arthur gang, so Dodo and Bobo decide to investigate where the headquarters of the Mich Arthur Mafia is. Arthur and they gather, they are members to attack the palace and kill everyone there. After they gathered the members, they attacked and killed all the important members of the mafia, and then they flee home for fear of a revenge attack, so the mafia is strong inside, so they escape and thanks Dudu Bobo for meeting his request Information from Tor And who made the mission is YZ or Yusef
Bobo comes to the house of his friend Dodo to show him that there is someone who is harassing him in prison from the Mich Arthur gang, so Dodo and Bobo decide to investigate where the headquarters of the Mich Arthur Mafia is. Arthur and they gather, they are members to attack the palace and kill everyone there. After they gathered the members, they attacked and killed all the important members of the mafia, and then they flee home for fear of a revenge attack, so the mafia is strong inside, so they escape and thanks Dudu Bobo for meeting his request Information from Tor And who made the mission is YZ or Yusef
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- Last Update
- Dec 13 '21
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- Objectives
- 24
- Actors
- 54
- Cars
- 11
- Pickups
- 0
- Objects
- 6

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