revenge for cheating
By Tay K

ryder challenge sweet(you) to fight a guy named daved in an unarmed combat, and when you beat his ass up, a friend of daved kill ryder and try to kill you, but you kill his friend at the end as revenge for cheating.
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- Last Update
- Jan 29 '22
- Views
- 1007
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- 674
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- Comments
- 5
Mission Statistics
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- no
- Objectives
- 11
- Actors
- 17
- Cars
- 8
- Pickups
- 1
- Objects
- 10

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Added by jayshizzo on May 22 2022, 21:06
how do I kill who killed sweet and get mission failed. this is unfair
Added by jayshizzo on May 22 2022, 21:06
how do I kill who killed sweet and get mission failed. this is unfair
Added by Tay K on May 23 2022, 12:55
Well you shouldn't kill them,you should follow them, they are going under the bridge that take you to grove street, the one you was shooting the russian mafia on drive by with bike with big smoke in mission just buisness (it was my first and old mission,i did it in 2020 i didn't knew much about dyom)
Added by jayshizzo on May 26 2022, 02:37
they left so fast in the cutscene with no marker its hard to follow them
Added by Tay K on May 26 2022, 19:03
Dw bro, leave this old mission and play my new missions, i suggest you to play "back in blood"
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