[DC#10] Melancholic Farm and Services
By Yasir RFL

Skins and SD are highly recommended to play this mission series!
Link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/qymkd5u4jjehtod/Melancholic_Farm_and_Services.rar/file
LSPD is struggling to solve the mystery behind uncountable kidnapping cases, Officer Lorn Lynn wakes up one day and at duty; one mere fluke changes everything. This is a POV story of the cops of how they put this awful environment to an end.
DYOM Contest #10
Skins and SD are highly recommended to play this mission series!
Link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/qymkd5u4jjehtod/Melancholic_Farm_and_Services.rar/file
LSPD is struggling to solve the mystery behind uncountable kidnapping cases, Officer Lorn Lynn wakes up one day and at duty; one mere fluke changes everything. This is a POV story of the cops of how they put this awful environment to an end.
DYOM Contest #10
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- Last Update
- May 19 '22
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- Comments
- 11

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Added by Keyes on May 01 2022, 00:53
Well done, you made it harder than mine but it was nice to see the cops being the good guys now and it was worth to see the ending. I hope you'll win! K ᕕ༼âŒâ– -■༽ᕗ
Added by Yasir RFL on May 01 2022, 06:56
Thanks a lot brother, it wasn't that hard but yeah to give a good gameplay I had to make things that way.
I hope you enjoyed.
I hope you enjoyed.
Added by Tay K on May 01 2022, 18:47
very great and worth to be played, i loved the hard efforts put on, i w'd really love to see it on the pinned missions,you are the best designner here and i hope your missions got pinned it will be great and you deserve that
Added by Yasir RFL on May 01 2022, 19:03
Ah man, that's sweet! Thank you.
Added by Mr.M on May 20 2022, 10:00
congratulations for winning
even people still doubting about it, but i still like the missions and everything about it so i believe you deserve it
even people still doubting about it, but i still like the missions and everything about it so i believe you deserve it
Added by Stardust101 on May 21 2022, 04:17
Congrats for winning man. This mission wasn't my favorite of the contest but it was pretty good nonetheless.
Added by Yasir RFL on May 21 2022, 05:52
Thank you so much both. Stardust, it should be your favourite now as I robbed someone :trollface:
Added by Kailojado haddines on May 21 2022, 14:27
Dude how you got it pinned?
Added by Yasir RFL on May 21 2022, 16:15
I won the DYOM Contest and the prize is my mission will get pinned.
Added by Tay K on May 22 2022, 15:31
bro i'm really proud of you ,you made it, your efforts didn't went on vein, from the beginning i knew you will win this, a talented designner like you shouldve been pinned a long time ago :)
Added by AnDReJ98 on Jun 01 2022, 07:29
Pinned for winning DYOM Contest #10!
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