Bob Story | Begin
By Faygik
Hello! I Faygik and it my first mission! (there will be 8-9 more missions along this storyline :D )
PS: There is one cutscene in this mission (it appears when you come to the Roman), it is not shorter, but it was with a bug (crash). I removed it for this reason. The essence of the cutscene (spoilers) - Roman is watching TV where a football match is going on (there was an Easter egg), breaks the TV and you go in to him, you ask why he called you, he says "Follow me" and shows the corpse, says that it starts to rot and that you take it and throw is out.
PS: There is one cutscene in this mission (it appears when you come to the Roman), it is not shorter, but it was with a bug (crash). I removed it for this reason. The essence of the cutscene (spoilers) - Roman is watching TV where a football match is going on (there was an Easter egg), breaks the TV and you go in to him, you ask why he called you, he says "Follow me" and shows the corpse, says that it starts to rot and that you take it and throw is out.
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Jun 08 '22
- Views
- 951
- Downloads
- 451
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 2
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 56
- Actors
- 18
- Cars
- 10
- Pickups
- 0
- Objects
- 1

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Added by 3G2J on Jun 10 2022, 00:55
I like this so far, please continue with it!
Added by Faygik on Jun 26 2022, 06:48
Hello 3G2J, I don't can continue is it. 1-4 Juny wait continue mission
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