(R.I.P Grove)--- for joshimuz and for ev
By ItalianoGeorge
So, technically, catalina and cj are going to the vinewood cemetery to honor the death of gsf members and of course sweet. when they arrive, kendl is there with her bodyguard, kendl is kinda suprised that catalina is here but the worst part is that, soon it will be an ambush by ballas and vagos, when you take the clover car, which has good armor, you and catalina escape to red county but vagos car is chasing you, you drive and catalina will hold them off. next CJ will get a phone call from kendl to visit her to her new home, since grove street is sealed forever but when cj arrives to ganton, to see grove street sealed, he gets a weird suprise, wait for tomorrow or today if i make it
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