DYOM » StoryLines » GTA Stars And Stripes: Rose City

GTA Stars And Stripes: Rose City

By NewGuy

In the wake of the murder of Angel González, also known as "Steve Lust," lead singer of the controversial band "Bloody Disco," two detectives from the Los Santos Police Department, Sean and Samantha, are tasked with solving the case. As they begin to investigate, they uncover shocking revelations about Lust's past, including a history of awful crimes such as murder and rape.

The detectives quickly realize that the killer is someone either connected to Lust's criminal past or seeking revenge for his actions. As they delve deeper into the case, they discover that the killer's next target is in Rose City, prompting them to travel there in order to protect the target before the killer can strike again.

However, after an expected turn of events, the case becomes much bigger than initially predicted.

In this storyline, you play as both the killer and the detectives as the story unfolds.


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Added by Beefan16 on Jan 05 2024, 06:44
I'm in the google drive and I am confused how to install.
Added by NewGuy on Jan 25 2024, 16:18
Just extract the zip file and then paste it into the user files folder.

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