[MOTW #221] Warped Night of Party
By DucKingheights

NOTE: To get the most enjoyment out of the cutscenes and during certain gameplay elements, download the SD files and modloader files here in the link here:
Also, to use the SD music use AudioFX 2.0 from Sizz here: https://gtaforums.com/topic/986670-audiofx-v20-dyom-addon-modified-by-sizzz/#comment-1072011096
PREMISE: Marvin wants Cliff to visit him after the Hollaway gang is deep into them. Where he's visiting in question is his nightclub, but unfortunately Marvin had other plans for Cliff in mind.
GAMEPLAY: Involves some driving, you can scout for goodies and vehicles around the area you spawn in as well where you're going to. Main highlight of this mission is the drug effect, where people around you act strangely, people wobbling in Cliff's perspective making it harder for Cliff to shoot them, and being able to sense enemies through walls.
Another main highlight of this mission is it's sandbox based, there's tons of ways you can approach objectives, specifically ways you can take out your enemies ways you can drive to your objective ways etc. To get the most out of this mission, it is best to explore the key featured locations in this mission such as around the apartment area, around the club area and inside the club, maybe you might find something useful in those areas.
DIFFICULTY: Hard, tight timelimits and brutal enemies, playing things tactically is much advised.
Note that, when reaching the checkpoint at the end (aka objective 99), the game will most likely crash. Just putting this here in-case Joshimuz or any other DYOM speedrunner ever tries this mission out.
Also note, it is advised to play at an FPS higher than 25+, as there's a chance that one of the enemies may clip through the floor inside and spawn far away, making it impossible to kill them without mods or cheats. If you play unpatched, that is without silentpatch which by default caps the framerate to 30, turn off the framelimiter to solve this problem (or the other option albeit with slightly more work, is to simply install SilentPatch).
• Driv3r / Driver 3 soundtrack.
• Hotline Miami 2.
• Mac DeMarco - Freaking out the Neighbourhood.
Inspiration: Driver series, Hotline Miami 2, sandbox games.
Cover image: DuckingHeights
Logo: Redbaron
Tools used: DYOM#, DYOM Editor, DYOM 8.1.
Gun sounds: Syphon Filter
Weapon models: Beta weapons mod pack, Renato Russo.
Authors: Miran, Sizz, PatrickW.
Website: PatrickW.
Host for MOTW 221 and creator of MOTW: Andrej
Thanks to the community for motivating and inspiring me to create my own missions in the past 2 years, and thank you for keeping the DYOM spirit alive.
Also, to use the SD music use AudioFX 2.0 from Sizz here: https://gtaforums.com/topic/986670-audiofx-v20-dyom-addon-modified-by-sizzz/#comment-1072011096
PREMISE: Marvin wants Cliff to visit him after the Hollaway gang is deep into them. Where he's visiting in question is his nightclub, but unfortunately Marvin had other plans for Cliff in mind.
GAMEPLAY: Involves some driving, you can scout for goodies and vehicles around the area you spawn in as well where you're going to. Main highlight of this mission is the drug effect, where people around you act strangely, people wobbling in Cliff's perspective making it harder for Cliff to shoot them, and being able to sense enemies through walls.
Another main highlight of this mission is it's sandbox based, there's tons of ways you can approach objectives, specifically ways you can take out your enemies ways you can drive to your objective ways etc. To get the most out of this mission, it is best to explore the key featured locations in this mission such as around the apartment area, around the club area and inside the club, maybe you might find something useful in those areas.
DIFFICULTY: Hard, tight timelimits and brutal enemies, playing things tactically is much advised.
Note that, when reaching the checkpoint at the end (aka objective 99), the game will most likely crash. Just putting this here in-case Joshimuz or any other DYOM speedrunner ever tries this mission out.
Also note, it is advised to play at an FPS higher than 25+, as there's a chance that one of the enemies may clip through the floor inside and spawn far away, making it impossible to kill them without mods or cheats. If you play unpatched, that is without silentpatch which by default caps the framerate to 30, turn off the framelimiter to solve this problem (or the other option albeit with slightly more work, is to simply install SilentPatch).
• Driv3r / Driver 3 soundtrack.
• Hotline Miami 2.
• Mac DeMarco - Freaking out the Neighbourhood.
Inspiration: Driver series, Hotline Miami 2, sandbox games.
Cover image: DuckingHeights
Logo: Redbaron
Tools used: DYOM#, DYOM Editor, DYOM 8.1.
Gun sounds: Syphon Filter
Weapon models: Beta weapons mod pack, Renato Russo.
Authors: Miran, Sizz, PatrickW.
Website: PatrickW.
Host for MOTW 221 and creator of MOTW: Andrej
Thanks to the community for motivating and inspiring me to create my own missions in the past 2 years, and thank you for keeping the DYOM spirit alive.
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- May 30 '23
- Views
- 1232
- Downloads
- 625
- Trailers
- 1
- Comments
- 3
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 99
- Actors
- 44
- Cars
- 12
- Pickups
- 7
- Objects
- 99

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Added by DucKingheights on May 17 2023, 09:02
Oh, I kind of did know about why the end of the mission crashes since, I tried to hide as much as possible at the end without it taking the player away from the immersion, but I guess the vehicles that are spawned in the start I should of hid away in retrospect since you are teleported and a car that spawns next you in the final few objectives.
Though, I appreciate not only the insight nonetheless but also you helping me nail down exactly with what caused the crash. (similar thing happened with my final
Though, I appreciate not only the insight nonetheless but also you helping me nail down exactly with what caused the crash. (similar thing happened with my final
Added by DucKingheights on May 17 2023, 09:08
version of my grove gathering mission except I fixed the issue without knowing how I solved it from a technical point of view).
I guess the issue that caused the crash was that I didn't despawn the vehicles at the start, I could of but I was unaware at the time plus, crunching your mission down to the last 10 minutes till the deadline can make you focused on releasing and polishing things up quickly rather than thinking with some thought about possible bugs.
PS, I appreciate the compliment man tha
I guess the issue that caused the crash was that I didn't despawn the vehicles at the start, I could of but I was unaware at the time plus, crunching your mission down to the last 10 minutes till the deadline can make you focused on releasing and polishing things up quickly rather than thinking with some thought about possible bugs.
PS, I appreciate the compliment man tha
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When the mission ends, the game tries to close every process included in the mission .DAT, including the things that weren't hid after the completion, which causes the game to overload and crash (i assume).
Nice mission, btw.