black trailer
By TrippyB
remake of rwby black trailer introdusing one of main character blake belladonna
blake is member of white fang which is terorist group figting for faunus rites (if u dont remember fanus are people with animal parts). her and her boyfreind adam go to steel a van full of dust. but adam keep making blaek do mor and more bad thing. how long til blake go to tipping point
also yo can downlod backgrownd bgm here:
need audiofx v2.0. music no needed but it make the mision more exsiting!
orginal upload 6/24/23
update 10/27/23
change skin of one witnes
added music
blake is member of white fang which is terorist group figting for faunus rites (if u dont remember fanus are people with animal parts). her and her boyfreind adam go to steel a van full of dust. but adam keep making blaek do mor and more bad thing. how long til blake go to tipping point
also yo can downlod backgrownd bgm here:
need audiofx v2.0. music no needed but it make the mision more exsiting!
orginal upload 6/24/23
update 10/27/23
change skin of one witnes
added music
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Oct 28 '23
- Views
- 212
- Downloads
- 417
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 0
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 42
- Actors
- 30
- Cars
- 12
- Pickups
- 1
- Objects
- 4
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