DYOM » Missions » [MOTW #229] TM (P): EP0 - M4DN355

[MOTW #229] TM (P): EP0 - M4DN355

By RedBaron

The mission link is broken and i can't fix that crap because it gives me some octet-stream nonsensical error, so here is the link for it: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16AtruAReC6JPbUuq4nvZrKFW6hJxSH16/view?usp=sharing

A prequel to the Twisted Metal TV Show made by Peacock. Twisted Metal brand made by Sony, Developed by Incognito, 989 Studios and ESP.

It's 2002, Needles Kane is about to get the electric chair treatment when the world's technology suddenly goes haywire and nukes start being fired, this gives him enough strength to break free from his containment and start searching for his friend, Harold around the Asylum then escaping, can you help him?

Meanwhile, Warhawk is on ground level trying to keep The Las Vegas Strip under control from supernatural maniacs, of whom drive Darkside.

Whilst this is happening, Bruce Cochrane and his girlfriend, Shawna are trying to escape from LA and from the likes of Hammerhead and Orbital, can they get away?

7 years later, during the apocalypse.

John Doe, an impressionable youngster has decided to become a Milkman, his closest friend, the Mapmaker offers to help him out by giving him a Map and a Micro SMG to defend himself, can John Doe and his reliable Evelyn (A 2002 Subaru) manage to complete their first delivery together?

Features intense car combat and chases, with DYOM Power-Ups compatibility, allowing for health and nitrous pickups.


TM Show - Blackfield Asylum, Escape the DMV, Pedal to the Metal, Road Rage, Vroom to Your Doom

Hospital - One Word

City Stars - Bad Dreams

Voice Acting:

No VA work this time because of my last 5 exams this week, and time constraints.


Mr.Atg810 (Gothic Female)
Maurilo Predator (Sweet Tooth)
MrGameboy20XX & Feisal AR (Needles Kane)
AiExcel (Sultan RS)
RedBaron (Harold).



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Nov 29 '23


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PLAYWalkthroughRedBaronNov 29 2023, 17:56
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Added by RedBaron on Aug 20 2023, 07:49
Guys i accidentally uploaded my mission from before the last edit, due to my sleepy habits, so it's fixed now!
Added by X-Men Rogue on Aug 21 2023, 07:28
Super! I like this game. Do the next episode!
Added by CR4SHEIR94 on Aug 22 2023, 23:57
congrats on winning a MOTW
Added by Naveed akhtar on Dec 02 2023, 06:24
No, No one will win this shit
Added by RedBaron on Jan 24 2024, 17:02
Get a time machine then, smart ass.

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