Black Hunter FULL
By GantengBoy234 (non-member)
Hai jadi ini DYOM pertama gw dan BTW terinspirasi dari Transformers tapi cuma nama karakternya yang mirip kalo ceritanya gw karang sendiri. Kalo misal ada kesalahan maap karna ini DYOM pertama. Jadi ENJOOYYYY..........
Hi, so this is my first DYOM and BTW it was inspired by Transformers but only the character names are similar to the story I made up myself. If for example there are errors, sorry because this is the first DYOM. So ENJOOYYYY..........
Hai jadi ini DYOM pertama gw dan BTW terinspirasi dari Transformers tapi cuma nama karakternya yang mirip kalo ceritanya gw karang sendiri. Kalo misal ada kesalahan maap karna ini DYOM pertama. Jadi ENJOOYYYY..........
Hi, so this is my first DYOM and BTW it was inspired by Transformers but only the character names are similar to the story I made up myself. If for example there are errors, sorry because this is the first DYOM. So ENJOOYYYY..........
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