[MOTW #231] Romeo and Juliet
By TonyKitaab

Full Name: The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet!
The only thing more tragic than a tragedy, is a DYOM adaptation of it. One of the most well known pieces of William Shakespeare can now be played in a The Roomesque adapation of it, with the famous lines and even a crudesque soundtrack to go along with it: Romeo and Juliet! Can their love endure the rivalry of their own families? Play the mission to find out if you have not watched in a theater or movie instead! (And yes, major spoiler warnings in this mission as well!)
The soundtrack can be downloaded here (A warning to manage your volume, since some parts can be a bit louder than others): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zq-lQFjCsgTa2IX5JyeIGvevRvAvU06c/view?usp=drive_link
Creator's commentary: Boy, oh boy. For a MOTW submission, this ended up being the largest mission I have ever made. Be prepared for a huge loading time. Other than that, what the heck did I got myself into? I might as well make the entirety of Hamlet in DYOM if I wish so, but before that, a huge break is needed.
The only thing more tragic than a tragedy, is a DYOM adaptation of it. One of the most well known pieces of William Shakespeare can now be played in a The Roomesque adapation of it, with the famous lines and even a crudesque soundtrack to go along with it: Romeo and Juliet! Can their love endure the rivalry of their own families? Play the mission to find out if you have not watched in a theater or movie instead! (And yes, major spoiler warnings in this mission as well!)
The soundtrack can be downloaded here (A warning to manage your volume, since some parts can be a bit louder than others): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zq-lQFjCsgTa2IX5JyeIGvevRvAvU06c/view?usp=drive_link
Creator's commentary: Boy, oh boy. For a MOTW submission, this ended up being the largest mission I have ever made. Be prepared for a huge loading time. Other than that, what the heck did I got myself into? I might as well make the entirety of Hamlet in DYOM if I wish so, but before that, a huge break is needed.
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- Sep 07 '23
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- Objectives
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Added by TonyKitaab on Oct 01 2023, 22:26
Thanks alot!
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