cj needs money
By TrippyB

cj have much money from phantom thiefs but now it low money becos sweet being stupid! now cj have to do job to get moar money but doing job is hard
also yo can downlod backgrownd bgm here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/71mc8ljrk53c985/KYFOP.zip/file
need audiofx v2.0. music no needed but it make the mision more exsiting!
orginal upload 10/3/2023
update 10/30/23
checkpoint to san fiero now bigger
add more explosion to plane crash
checkponit to branwen tribe camp now bigger
fixed cj dialog not have his nametag
also yo can downlod backgrownd bgm here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/71mc8ljrk53c985/KYFOP.zip/file
need audiofx v2.0. music no needed but it make the mision more exsiting!
orginal upload 10/3/2023
update 10/30/23
checkpoint to san fiero now bigger
add more explosion to plane crash
checkponit to branwen tribe camp now bigger
fixed cj dialog not have his nametag
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Oct 31 '23
- Views
- 816
- Downloads
- 457
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 1
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 91
- Actors
- 45
- Cars
- 6
- Pickups
- 1
- Objects
- 24

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Added by Jaycee0045 on Oct 14 2023, 22:16
Hilarious. 5/5
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