DYOM » Missions » [MOTW #235] The Bullet Stopper

[MOTW #235] The Bullet Stopper

By RedBaron

Story: It's 2008, Frederick King was a Gulf War Vet who had retired from the war and had a family with his wife, having even kids, but then one day, some mobsters killed his wife and kids for her discovering plans for an assassination attempt accidentally at her workplace, he came back home to see his family dead, he got information from street punks by doing street justice, and once they spit out where the murderers were, he stopped them from ever firing a bullet again, becoming The Bullet Stopper, the Army Veteran Vigilante who keeps the streets of San Andreas as clean as possible. Lately, he got word of a drug smuggling business, happening in Las Venturas, which was quickly spreading across the state, The Bullet Stopper decides to put an end into this operation by going up the food chain and getting the Traffickers, the Smugglers, and the Ingredient Makers's asses, to prevent this operation from continuing further. Can you help him?

Pickups are around every key location possible, make sure to be on the look out for 'em...

Collectibles: Collect 6 special Drug Packages scattered across the Levels.


The Bullet Stopper (WMYDRUG replacement for Claude) by RedBaron

Max Payne 2 - Max' Choice: Duty Vs. Passion
Max Payne - Killer Suits
Yakuza 3 - Bruise
Yakuza 2 - The Grudge
Yakuza 2 - Tracker
Max Payne 2 - Max Hurt: Danger And Consequences
Max Payne 2 - Vladimir: The Enemy, The Betrayal, The Inner Circle
Slipknot - Psychosocial

Voice Acting:

Rino Romano as Biker Goon.

RedBaron as Frederick King (The Bullet Stopper), Warehouse 66 Owner, JOURNAL criminal

You need AUDIOFX V2.0 by Sizz!


Upload Statistics

Last Update
Oct 30 '23


Rated 13 times, Average 4.46

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PLAYWalkthroughRedBaronOct 30 2023, 03:24
Rated 3 times, Average 3.67

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Added by RedBaron on Oct 30 2023, 00:28
(Sorry for huge filesize, wasn't able to compress Yakuza Extended themes on time due to time constraints).
Added by Naveed akhtar on Nov 01 2023, 04:45
Note: bro won by cheating
Added by RedBaron on Nov 01 2023, 17:20
Said the guy who harassed countless people in DYOM server, harassed Chain Game staff, The religious intolerance you have against agnostic people, saying that they'll go to hell for not believing nor disagreeing of god's existance, name-calling me, the xenophobia against brazilians and calling me a cheater for extending time on MOTW, even though others did it too! So yeah, go fuck yourself, toxic asshole.
Added by RedBaron on Nov 01 2023, 17:22
Also a little extra, you yourself actually cheated three people voted on you yesterday at the exact same time, however when i spotted one of them doing it, one of them got cold feet and voted on Zeko to make themselves look less suspicious but it made them look even more suspicious.
Added by RedBaron on Nov 01 2023, 17:22
The individual's name in question was Bomba.
Added by Naveed akhtar on Nov 02 2023, 11:53
Man fuck this shit i think he's gonna host the damn motw 236 im done man im done
Added by Naveed akhtar on Nov 02 2023, 11:54
Its all because of that anti hero damn theme
Added by Naveed akhtar on Nov 03 2023, 05:24
Added by mrGTA99 on Nov 21 2023, 00:16
i didn't like it
Added by RedBaron on Nov 24 2023, 01:07
Said the Bigot, Racist, Xenophobic, Ableist, disgusting 4-channer and homophobic, zeko's punishment was adequate!

You don't shit on my brother just cause' he's gay, motherfucker, mess with me but don't mess with my family, otherwise, remember that joke about throwing gays off a building windowsill and killing them, yeah, i'm gonna be doing that to you, toss you off the fucking window and turn into an ugly stain, that's what i was typing before you got rightfully banned for exp
Added by RedBaron on Nov 24 2023, 01:08
ressing your hateful views onto us and showing your true ugly self.
Added by RedBaron on Nov 24 2023, 01:09
I also saw your review bombing, pal, keep coping, salty ass mf.
Added by RedBaron on Nov 24 2023, 01:10
I'd almost respect you for going through all of my missions to 1 star them but then i remembered you were a homophobic and quit that, because no motherfucker who disrespects my family deserves my respect, no no, it earns my fucking disrespect.
Added by RedBaron on Nov 24 2023, 01:20
You did it with the trailers too?! Aww man you're so fucking hilarious, LMFAO
Added by AnDReJ98 on Dec 26 2023, 02:00

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