[CB#3] Beginning of a Duo
By PetterPV

CB = Claude's Backstory
This mission takes place before the events of GTA III {FANMADE}
SINOPSIS: Claude returns to investing in illegal races in San Fierro again. Until he receives a call from a guy who once had a job with him. Returning to the previous topic (2 weeks ago). In this new job, Claude ends up meeting a person who can change his destiny.
This mission requires Dyom REmastereD. Download here: https://gtaforums.com/topic/982291-dyom-red-v90-possible/
This mission has Custom SFX files. Download here the SD folder: https://www.mediafire.com/file/3jerl75t41snidj/Beginning_of_a_Duo.7z/file
AudioFX: https://gtaforums.com/topic/928523-audiofx-v11-addon-for-dyom/
After you installed the mission, refer these instructions down below: (Make sure you use Dyom RED to play this mission!)
1. Put "DYOM0.dat" on your "GTA San Andreas User Files" folder
(but don't forget to change the "0" on the name file to the save slot you want!)
Example: Save Slot 1 = DYOM1.dat
Save Slot 2 = DYOM2.dat
2. This mission has custom SFX files, so in order to make them work properly, you need to install AudioFX for DYOM: https://gtaforums.com/topic/928523-audiofx-v11-addon-for-dyom/ then put the archive (afx.cs) on your "CLEO" folder
3. Put the "offm.cs" archive on your "CLEO" folder. It will be useful to remove songs from interiors, to prevent copyright-ish if you want to record a playthrough of this mission.
https://gamemodding.com/en/gta-san-andreas/cleo-scripts/69058-ubrat-muzyku-v-intererah.html (SOURCE)
4. This mission requires you to use a Stealth Fix addon. Put the "StealthFix.cs" archive on your "CLEO" folder. It will improve the AI of the actors during stealth. If it doesn't work. Try putting the "Stealthfix.cs" in your "Modloader" folder.
https://gtaforums.com/topic/986629-stealthfix-dyom-addon/ (SOURCE)
5. Put the "SD" folder on your "GTA San Andreas User Files" folder (SD folder is the directory of the custom SFX files)
NOTE: This mission is not 100% polished, if bugs or crashes occur, I apologize, it is my first mission on Dyom RED.
This mission takes place before the events of GTA III {FANMADE}
SINOPSIS: Claude returns to investing in illegal races in San Fierro again. Until he receives a call from a guy who once had a job with him. Returning to the previous topic (2 weeks ago). In this new job, Claude ends up meeting a person who can change his destiny.
This mission requires Dyom REmastereD. Download here: https://gtaforums.com/topic/982291-dyom-red-v90-possible/
This mission has Custom SFX files. Download here the SD folder: https://www.mediafire.com/file/3jerl75t41snidj/Beginning_of_a_Duo.7z/file
AudioFX: https://gtaforums.com/topic/928523-audiofx-v11-addon-for-dyom/
After you installed the mission, refer these instructions down below: (Make sure you use Dyom RED to play this mission!)
1. Put "DYOM0.dat" on your "GTA San Andreas User Files" folder
(but don't forget to change the "0" on the name file to the save slot you want!)
Example: Save Slot 1 = DYOM1.dat
Save Slot 2 = DYOM2.dat
2. This mission has custom SFX files, so in order to make them work properly, you need to install AudioFX for DYOM: https://gtaforums.com/topic/928523-audiofx-v11-addon-for-dyom/ then put the archive (afx.cs) on your "CLEO" folder
3. Put the "offm.cs" archive on your "CLEO" folder. It will be useful to remove songs from interiors, to prevent copyright-ish if you want to record a playthrough of this mission.
https://gamemodding.com/en/gta-san-andreas/cleo-scripts/69058-ubrat-muzyku-v-intererah.html (SOURCE)
4. This mission requires you to use a Stealth Fix addon. Put the "StealthFix.cs" archive on your "CLEO" folder. It will improve the AI of the actors during stealth. If it doesn't work. Try putting the "Stealthfix.cs" in your "Modloader" folder.
https://gtaforums.com/topic/986629-stealthfix-dyom-addon/ (SOURCE)
5. Put the "SD" folder on your "GTA San Andreas User Files" folder (SD folder is the directory of the custom SFX files)
NOTE: This mission is not 100% polished, if bugs or crashes occur, I apologize, it is my first mission on Dyom RED.
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- Nov 15 '23
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SELECT | TrailerName | Author | Date | Rating |
PLAY | Mission #3 | horus_submissions | Nov 17 2023, 11:00 | 0 |
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Added by horus_submissions on Nov 16 2023, 09:17
Gonna play it a little bit later, because i was nearly done with the mission and they rammed Catalina and I failed. I didn't wanted to play it again because of that long drive, and mission.
Added by PetterPV on Nov 16 2023, 12:04
Lol, I decided to let that part in the mission because I think an easy mission is too short, but good luck!
Added by horus_submissions on Nov 16 2023, 14:43
Yeah I did complete it, its fun however people don't like long drives. Next time just do a marker or some cutscene and then teleport the actor. I used Ripazha to get there fast lol
Added by horus_submissions on Nov 16 2023, 14:45
If Mission Maker Remastered comes out, with a create a race feature you should use it for a mission involving Claude racing! and you can put also ingame cutscene from the main story to play in the mission.
Added by PetterPV on Nov 16 2023, 15:30
Thank you for your hint. About the Mission Maker, I'll check it out,Yes, I will do races in my story, if this helps me, I appreciate your help!
Added by horus_submissions on Nov 17 2023, 20:10
By the way, mission pack is looking neat right now I like it. If completed I would love to create a mod-page for it on ModDB to make it more popular. Idk if you would be down for that.
Added by PetterPV on Nov 17 2023, 22:57
Yes, it could be, it will help a lot to spread my history, although I do it more for fun, but I'll be happy to see more people playing my missions.
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