Delivery boy
By Aladin79

This mission follows the story of Christopher "Sicilian Fist" Siciliani.
In this mission Christopher has to push some H for Carlo Benevetti using a Trashmaster. While doing it he gets on a gangs turf making them mad.
In this mission Christopher has to push some H for Carlo Benevetti using a Trashmaster. While doing it he gets on a gangs turf making them mad.
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Nov 18 '23
- Views
- 212
- Downloads
- 70
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 2

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Added by masterkill on Nov 18 2023, 22:31
Can you order it because I'm lost, I don't know which one is next. Can you put it in packages or when you finish it?
Added by Aladin79 on Nov 18 2023, 22:49
@masterkill they are in straight line. I can't put them in packages because I posted the mission as an archive and it won't let me edit it.
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